Blogs are part of what is know as "Web 2.0" tools that are increasingly being used in schools these days. Other tools might include:
- Wikis
- YouTube
- Social Networking
- Social Bookmarking
- Many more
Let's start at the beginning though, watch Blogs in Plain English for an excellent primer on what blogs are and why they are so cool.
But what do real, live, breathing blogs actually look like? If you don't know, try visiting my sister's blog that keeps our family updated, my favorite U of M Blog, or a couple of blogs that I write myself such as Paul and Todd’s Excellent Ed Tech Adventure and Mr. Toporski’s Classroom Blog.
Why is blogging in the classroom being talked about so much these days you might ask? Well, several reasons come quickly to mind. Blogs:
- Provides a centralized place for regular writing practice.
- Allows teachers and students to comment and provide feedback.
- Allows for student reflection on assignments or discussion topics.
- Creates a greater sense of community within a classroom.
- Gives a voice to students who may not feel comfortable speaking in in class.
- Writing Journals
- E-portfolios
- Reflections on assignments
- Sharing resources or ideas
- Sharing Web links
- Putting course materials on the Web
- Dialogue from group work
- Student feedback
If you are interested in finding out more about blogs, trying some of these resources:
- Video: “How to Start a Blog”
- My Post on Blogs, Wikis, Reading and Writing
- Blogger
- WordPress
- Live Journal