Monday, November 8, 2010

How to Download YouTube Videos (Again!)

This is like deja vu all over again. We are revisiting how to download YouTube for use in the classroom. Here is a video showing two ways. One is with KeepVid and the other is using YouTube Downloader. Check them both out. I am quickly becoming a fan of the latter, but have used KeepVid for the past two years. A shout out to Paul for bringing YouTube Downloader to my attention.

Of course we know that we are "supposed" to ask permission from the video's owner and that YouTube doesn't really like people to download videos from their site. But, hey anything is good under the banner of educating our youth. Especially when we are reselling the videos or making a profit from it.  :)

November Staff Meeting--Tech Time

Welcome back,

This post is devoted to a couple of items you might like to try at home or school. The first one is Windows Speech Recognition. You can find Speech Recognition on your Control Panel in either Windows Vista or Windows 7. You will need a microphone of some sort to get started. Set up your microphone and work through the tutorial. The more you use Speech Recognition with your computer, the better it will work. It actually "learns" your voice patterns over time. It is fun to try, but it takes a little getting used to.

The second item is a shout out to the Flip Video. Here is an earlier post. Paul and I use them a lot in class. They are easy to use and work like a USB flash drive to view and save the video. Give them a try. SEF grant?
