Thursday, August 16, 2012

Google Offline Editing

Great news for all of you Google Docs users. Offline editing is back after a several year absence. Now, if you don't have an Internet conncection, no problem. Make your updates and they will be automatically be updated when you do connect. Here is some info from Google.

Here is also video. WARNING: No sound! :(

Please be aware that to edit offline you will need the latest Chrome browser or OS. Also, offline editing is currently only available for docs. Google is hoping to extend this capability to spreadsheets and presentations in the future.

But for now, Google docs users should rejoice about this update!


Friday, August 10, 2012

Google Apps Script

Google is at it again. Trying to make Google Apps better and more flexible. They have introduced Google Apps Script to help automate tasks such as mail merge. Here is an overview:

Pretty useful stuff if you are into programming or just like tinkering around under the hood. Because of the use a Javascript and the HTML editor available, Google Apps Script sounds like it could fit into a Programming or Web Development class. I am not teaching programming this upcoming fall, but will definitely look into in the future.

Thanks for visiting!