Friday, December 21, 2012

10 Tech Skills Every Student Should Have

Just read a great article posted on Tech & Learning about the 10 Tech Skills Every Student Should Have by David Andrade. I though it hit the nail right on the head with the skills listed. Also helpful was the multiple links under each item as a resource. Great job!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

An Alternative to Pandora?

A collegue of mine just told me about a new music site called Songza. It is a new (at least to me) that is quickly challenging sites such as Pandora or Spotify. The big appeal seems to be no audio commercials. Give it a try. I just downloaded the app on my iPhone and it is also available for Android.

Have fun listening!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Code School

Code School is a great site and service for those of you who teach programming, program yourself, or just want to pass it on to that one kid that needs something extra. Explanation video from Kickstarter:

Sounds pretty cool. Of course it is so cool that most of the courses cost money. Rats! But, there are a few free courses to wet your appetite. Code School, check it out.